
A consortium of 55 companies, universities, and research institutes, including Kajima Corporation, Denka Company Limited, and Takenaka Corporation, has formed under the Green Innovation Fund Project* with the major goal of achieving a carbon-neutral society by 2050. The Consortium will continue to develop concrete to utilize carbon until 2030.
Specifically, we will promote the development of technologies to utilize CO2 in concrete making, as well as the development of manufacturing systems aimed at cost reduction. In addition, we will develop methods to evaluate the quality control and CO₂ fixation of established technologies.

* The Green Innovation Fund Project is a 10-year initiative by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), a national research and development agency, to support research and development, demonstration and social implementation in order to achieve the goal of “carbon neutrality by 2050”.
NEDO has created a 2 trillion yen fund to be used by companies and other organizations that share ambitious and specific goals with the public and private sectors, and that are committed to addressing these goals as management issues.

Thoughts behind the logo and generic name
A term coined from the acronym Carbon Utilized Concrete.
At the same time, the reading is reminiscent of “air” in Japanese.
The circle, which spreads out like a gas, expresses the collaboration of 55 organizations.

message Greetings from the Representatives of the Three Companies

Hiromasa Amano President and Representative Director
Kajima Corporation

Contributing to the Realization of a Decarbonized Society

In 2020, the Japanese government declared its goal of achieving a carbon-neutral society by 2050. In the construction sector, which is deeply involved in the infrastructure of people's lives, industry, government, and academia must work together to accelerate the movement toward a decarbonized society. In particular, research and development on decarbonization technologies for concrete, which emits a large amount of CO2during production, is one of the most important issues. By combining the power of the Consortium members, we will develop innovative carbon-negative concrete materials and create construction and quality evaluation technologies, thereby contributing to the realization of a decarbonized society through concrete.

Toshio Imai Representative Director, President
Denka Company Limited

Global standardization originated from Japan

Denka is strengthening its environmental management with the aim of achieving “carbon neutrality by 2050” as part of its ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) primal policy. As a part of these activities, we will leverage our long-established expertise in special cement additives technology to implement decarbonization and carbon utilization in the field of concrete. We will work together with a diverse range of consortium members to initiate innovative carbon-negative concrete technology. Furthermore, we will contribute to develop the quantitative evaluation method for CO2 utilization to strive towards achieving global standardization originated from Japan.

Masato Sasaki President

Contributing to the Achievement of a Sustainable Society

We have consistently been creating environments that prioritize the balance between humans and nature, aiming to contribute to the sustainable advancement of society through architecture and urban planning. In order to achieve a carbon-neutral society by 2050, it is crucial to develop technologies that facilitate the reduction of CO2 emissions and the enhancement of CO2 absorption in concrete, which forms the basis of buildings and urban development. All members of this consortium will collaborate to develop cutting-edge carbon-negative concrete technologies and actively contribute to the achievement of a sustainable society.


Noboru Sakata Managing Executive Officer
Kajima Corporation

The consortium “CUCO” brought together like-minded researchers and engineers. We intend to develop innovative technologies to reduce, absorb and fix CO2 through concrete, which until now has emitted large amounts of CO2, and to implement them in society as quickly as possible. We would be grateful for your support.

Hideki Toya Managing Executive Officer
Denka Company Limited

Denka will draw on the Special Cement Additives Technology and wisdom it has cultivated over the years to create innovative carbon-negative concrete technology. Together with the members of this consortium, we will strive to develop “technologies that are highly demanded by the society.”

Rikuta Murakami Senior Executive Managing Officer

This initiative will transform concrete, an essential construction material renowned for its formability, strength, and workability, from a “villain” to a “hero” in regards to environmental issues. I acknowledge that it will not be a simple task, but let's unite our efforts for the future of concrete and the construction industry.

organization Consortium Participating Companies, Universities and Research Institutions

* In addition to the above, one private company is participating in the consortium.